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Aylesbury 2014

Division D Lucky Stiffs

RankSum of
Winning SpreadsWon-LostSpreadClassPlayer
1373 8 26 4.0- 3.0-179BAnn Lewis (D13)
25514 18 23 4.0- 3.0+22BViv Bishop (D15)
35914 15 30 6.0- 1.0+232AAudrey Medhurst (D6)
47210 11 51 3.0- 4.0-99BJacqui White (D12)
57918 20 41 5.0- 2.0+233ANova Williams (D1)
6951 43 51 5.0- 2.0+282AJames Burley (D10)
79616 33 47 5.0- 2.0+161AMaureen Barlow (D2)
811421 40 53 4.0- 3.0+15ACaroline Elliott (D8)
913519 53 63 5.0- 2.0+354AAnne Darby (D5)
101364 30 102 3.0- 4.0-267BJohn Francis (D16)
1114213 43 86 6.0- 1.0+341AChristine Cartman (D9)
121477 11 129 3.0- 4.0-313BEileen Johnson (D19)
1316310 55 98 4.0- 3.0+181AHannah Corbett (D3)
1421765 67 85 4.0- 3.0+156AMalcolm Davis (D4)
1528671 100 115 4.0- 3.0+363AAdrian Noller (D7)
1631741 77 199 3.0- 4.0+60BPeter Johnson (D11)

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