Sunday Drives 2018
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Swiss Cottage
7th January | 4th February | 4th March | 8th April | 6th May | 1st July
5th August | 2nd September | 2nd December
14th January | 25th February | 15th April | 13th May | 10th June
14th October | 30th December
Shepherd's Bush
18th November
Drive Cup 2018
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Drive Cup Winner 2018 Swiss Cottage Cup Winner | Chigwell Cup Winner 2018 |
Chigwell - 30 December 2018 (4)
Posn Name wins spread game tot
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
1 Vince Boyle 4 666 1927
2 Diane Pratesi 3 427 1771
3 Craig Solomons 3 409 1826
4 Len Edwards 3 124 1507
5 Calum Edwards 2 30 1629
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
6 Danny Bekhor 2 0 1540
7 Peter Thomas 2 -35 1599
8 Paul Carter 1 -252 1437
9 Jacqui White 0 -648 1287
10 Cindy Hollyier 0 -721 1051
Highest single game score:
552 by Diane Pratesi
Smallest losing spread:
[-10 by Diane Pratesi]
-12 by Calum Edwards*
*actually won prize
Highest single word score:
80 for GRANULAR by Peter Thomas
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Swiss Cottage - 2 December 2018 (3)
Posn Name wins spread game tot
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
1 Elie Dangoor 3 476 1444
2 Danny Bekhor 3 110 1269
3 Sandie Simonis 2 193 1298
4 Ruth MacInerney 2 182 1271
5 Malcolm Shaw 2 169 1209
6 Mauro Pratesi 2 149 1114
7 Diane Pratesi 2 -22 1211
8 Moira Conway 2 -42 1152
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
9 Jake Berliner 1 165 1221
10 Viv Bishop 1 108 1234
11 Barbara Morris 1 5 1044
12 Colin St Hill 1 -12 1115
13 Priscilla Encarnacion 1 -147 1032
14 Renée Gilbert 1 -292 988
15 Freda Marcus 0 -447 851
16 Brenda Stroud 0 -595 684
Highest single game score:
552 by Elie Dangoor
Highest single word score:
99 for HARDEST by Ruth MacInerney
Highest scoring word with the 'J':
[84 for JEEZ by Ruth MacInerney*]
[52 for JA/JA by Elie Dangoor* ]
[51 for JA/JOR by Sandie Simonis* ]
* no prize given all finished in top four
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Shepherd's Bush - Sunday 18 November 2018 (4)
Posn Name wins spread game tot
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
1 Calum Edwards 4 252 1768
2 Danny Bekhor 3 422 1866
3 Ruth MacInerney 3 257 1663
4 Priscilla Encarnacion 2 -19 1620
5 Jake Berliner 2 -130 1388
6 Damian O'Malley 1 -84 1524
7 Mauro Pratesi 1 -265 1372
8 Viv Bishop 0 -433 1361
Highest single game score:
566 by Danny Bekhor
Highest single word scores:
140 for DETRAINS by Damian O'Malley
104 for BLIGHTER by Ruth MacInerney
Nearest to average score of the drive (1570)
1524 by Damian O'Malley
Word most associated to the game Bridge:
92 for RUBBERS/BOX by Priscilla Encarnacion
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Chigwell - 14 October 2018 (4)
Posn Name wins spread game tot
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
1 Peter Thomas 4 226 1647
2 Danny Bekhor 3 250 1605
3 Paloma Raychbart 3 139 1636
4 Calum Edwards 2 345 1881
5 Diane Pratesi 2 170 1484
6 David Shenkin 2 77 1549
7 Jake Berliner 2 46 1507
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
8 Barbara Morris 2 -21 1494
9 Barry Grossman 2 -29 1467
10 Renée Gilbert 2 -118 1407
11 Jacqui White 2 -311 1311
12 Viv Bishop 1 -140 1290
13 Mauro Pratesi 1 -265 1475
14 Cindy Hollyier 0 -369 1222
Highest single game score:
614 by Calum Edwards
Highest losing score in last two rounds
[393 by Paloma Raychbart]
386 by Mauro Pratesi*
*actually won prize
Highest scoring word with the 'W' in 1st two rounds
96 for WEARIES by Dave Shenkin
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Swiss Cottage - 2 September 2018 (4)
Posn Name wins spread game tot
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
1 Diane Pratesi 3 292 1714
2 Victoria Kingham 3 193 1655
3 Elie Dangoor 3 172 1639
4 David Shenkin 3 138 1691
5 Danny Bekhor 2 155 1744
6 Sandie Simonis 2 33 1583
7 Ruth MacInerney 2 -56 1546
8 Peter Dolgenos 1 -76 1507
9 Linda Day 1 -228 1467
10 Malcolm Shaw 0 -623 1224
Highest single game score:
496 by Diane Pratesi
Highest single word score:
93 for COACHES/CAA by Ruth MacInerney
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Swiss Cottage - 5 August 2018 (4)
Posn Name wins spread game tot
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
1 Elie Dangoor 4 360 1735
2 Malcolm Shaw 4 298 1624
3 David Shenkin 3 225 1779
4 Victoria Kingham 3 174 1665
5 Danny Bekhor 3 62 1579
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
6 Diane Pratesi 2 151 1630
7 Peter Thomas 2 69 1790
8 Barbara Morris 2 55 1735
9 Vince Boyle 2 7 1479
10 Priscilla Encarnacion 2 -17 1597
11 Viv Bishop 2 -85 1495
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
12 Colin St Hill 1 -8 1545
13 Jake Berliner 1 -43 1517
14 Sandie Simonis 1 -167 1497
15 Freda Marcus 0 -490 1243
16 Brenda Stroud 0 -591 1042
Highest single game score:
611 by Peter Thomas
Highest single word score:
100 for AVOWERS by Peter Thomas
Longest word:
BENE(FACTOR) for 51 by Elie Dangoor
Highest scoring non bonus word (rounds 1/2):
58 for ZEX by Elie Dangoor
Highest scoring outplay (rounds 3/4):
[56 for CONDUCER by David Shenkin]
28 for AB/AD/DEF by Jake Berliner*
* actually won the prize
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Swiss Cottage - 1 July 2018 (4)
Posn Name wins spread game tot
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
1 Diane Pratesi 4 403 1798
2 Sandie Simonis 3 310 1773
3 Danny Bekhor 3 -19 1474
4 Dan Smith 2 -11 1438
5 Colin St Hill 2 -201 1383
6 Barbara Morris 1 163 1645
7 Malcolm Shaw 1 -177 1457
8 Viv Bishop 0 -468 1254
Highest single game score:
527 by Barbara Morris
Highest scoring non bonus word:
[58 for WAXED/QUOTHA by Sandie Simonis]
[56 for VITEX/XI by Danny Bekhor]
[56 for NIX by Sandie Simonis]
54 for QUILTER by Colin St Hill*
* actually won the prize
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Chigwell - 10 June 2018 (4)
Posn Name wins spread game tot
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
1 Diane Pratesi 4 252 1723
2 Craig Solomons 3 409 1979
3 Barry Grossman 3 398 1885
4 Danny Bekhor 3 388 1797
5 David Shenkin 3 37 1733
6 Calum Edwards 2 107 1743
7 Ruth MacInerney 2 -19 1673
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
8 Jake Berliner 2 -82 1727
9 Pini Stimler 2 -437 1363
10 Ted Lewis 1 98 1588
11 Mauro Pratesi 1 -6 1574
12 Barbara Morris 1 -48 1533
13 Peter Thomas 1 -435 1321
14 Caroline Elliott 0 -662 1166
Highest single game score:
597 by Danny Bekhor
Highest scoring words:
185 for STOCKMAN by David Shenkin
105 for SAPHENA/ES/DA by Calum Edwards
100 for WORTHILY by David Shenkin
Highest losing score in first two rounds
435 by Craig Solomons
Highest scoring word with the 'Z' in last two rounds
[94 for ZOOTY by Diane Pratesi]
80 for AGRIZES/SWAG by Mauro Pratesi*
* actually won the prize
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Chigwell - 13 May 2018 (4)
Posn Name wins spread game tot
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
1 Diane Pratesi 4 209 1615
2 Ruth MacInerney 3 178 1549
3 Danny Bekhor 3 160 1683
4 Craig Solomons 3 123 1724
5 Barbara Morris 2 299 1574
6 Calum Edwards 2 275 1822
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
7 Pini Stimler 2 103 1562
8 Peter Dolgenos 2 -2 1540
9 Mauro Pratesi 1 -340 1317
10 Caroline Elliott 1 -370 1330
11 Jake Berliner 1 -372 1331
12 Ted Lewis 0 -263 1376
Highest single game score:
533 by Calum Edwards
Highest scoring words:
137 for DORIZING by Calum Edwards
104 for FLEXIONS by Barbara Morris
Highest scoring non-bonus
68 for QUA by Pini Stimler
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Swiss Cottage - 6 May 2018 (4)
Posn Name wins spread game tot
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
1 Peter Thomas 4 401 1691
2 Calum Edwards 3 372 1785
3 Danny Bekhor 3 90 1535
4 Peter Dolgenos 2 181 1580
5 Diane Pratesi 2 180 1704
6 Elie Dangoor 2 98 1665
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
7 Barbara Morris 2 59 1563
8 Colin St Hill 2 -45 1474
9 Pini Stimler 1 -241 1424
10 Sandie Simonis 1 -314 1390
11 Rachana Ramchand 1 -374 1347
12 Viv Bishop 1 -407 1330
Highest single game score:
544 by Calum Edwards
Spot prize/Highest single word score:
97 for DEFRAUD by Pini Stimler
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Chigwell - 15 April 2018 (4)
Posn Name wins spread game tot
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
1 Calum Edwards 4 525 1911
2 Diane Pratesi 3 143 1617
3 Danny Bekhor 3 96 1594
4 Jake Berliner 3 -59 1488
5 Peter Thomas 2 108 1701
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
6 Ruth MacInerney 2 17 1526
7 David Shenkin 2 -120 1493
8 Ted Lewis 2 -186 1425
9 Pini Stimler 1 -56 1521
10 Sumbul Siddiqui 1 -102 1513
11 Caroline Elliott 1 -150 1377
12 Mauro Pratesi 0 -216 1417
Highest single game score:
549 by Calum Edwards
Highest scoring word:
98 for SERVANT by Peter Thomas
Most amusing note written on scoresheet:
74 for WAPITIS by Canadian Deer
Highest scoring word with the 'Z':
60 for DIZEN by Ruth MacInerney
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Swiss Cottage - 8 April 2018 (4)
Posn Name wins spread game tot
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
1 Danny Bekhor 4 471 1788
2 Peter Thomas 3 290 1781
3 Diane Pratesi 3 144 1514
4 Vince Boyle 3 141 1714
5 Pini Stimler 3 -26 1526
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
6 Calum Edwards 2 356 1882
7 Elie Dangoor 2 157 1713
8 David Shenkin 2 150 1644
9 Ruth MacInerney 2 137 1586
10 Sandie Simonis 2 63 1636
11 Barbara Morris 2 -66 1477
12 Jake Berliner 2 -134 1522
13 Viv Bishop 2 -259 1291
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
14 Victoria Kingham 1 -151 1546
15 Renée Gilbert 1 -193 1347
16 Colin St Hill 1 -260 1406
17 Eileen Harihara 1 -468 1170
18 Freda Marcus 0 -352 1309
Highest single game score:
544 by Calum Edwards
Highest single word scores:
106 for QUERCINE by Calum Edwards
98 for DUSKIEST by Jake Berliner
Spot Prize winners:
round 1: highest scoring word with the 'Z'
David Shenkin, TREZ 52
round 2: nearest to average game score (384)
Renée Gilbert, 391
round 3: highest scoring word with the W'
Pini Stimler, TWOPENCE 45
round 4: lowest scoring bonus
Elie Dangoor, TOENAIL 63
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Swiss Cottage - 4 March 2018 (4)
Posn Name wins spread game tot
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
1 Danny Bekhor 4 399 1792
2 Sandie Simonis 3 333 1743
3 Diane Pratesi 3 289 1709
4 Vince Boyle 3 282 1801
5 Elie Dangoor 3 71 1741
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
6 Calum Edwards 2 421 1952
7 Victoria Kingham 2 124 1700
8 Peter Thomas 2 20 1627
9 Jake Berliner 2 -115 1468
10 Barbara Morris 2 -178 1525
11 Malcolm Shaw 2 -258 1447
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
12 David Shenkin 2 -367 1313
13 Peter Dolgenos 1 -140 1599
14 Ruth MacInerney 1 -176 1431
15 Viv Bishop 0 -240 1421
16 Colin St Hill 0 -465 1283
Highest single game score:
584 by Calum Edwards
Highest single word score:
100 for BEADMEN by Diane Pratesi
Spot Prize winners:
round 1: highest scoring word with the 'X'
Peter Thomas, PAX/LA/AX 59
round 2: highest scoring outplay
Danny Bekhor, ROTATES 63
round 3: highest scoring word with the Z'
David Shenkin, ZIP 32
[Dolly Toddington, TREZ 69]
round 4: lowest winning score
Jake Berliner, 361
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Chigwell - 14 January 2018 (4)
Posn Name wins spread game tot
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
1 Craig Solomons 4 118 1590
2 Danny Bekhor 3 323 1777
3 Barry Grossman 3 142 1584
4 Jake Berliner 3 117 1608
5 Calum Edwards 2 314 1867
6 Pini Stimler 2 40 1618
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
7 Diane Pratesi 2 -74 1494
8 Ruth MacInerney 2 -118 1505
9 David Shenkin 1 7 1413
10 Mauro Pratesi 1 -45 1475
11 Peter Dolgenos 1 -224 1409
12 Stuart Barclay 0 -600 1239
Highest single game score:
667 by Calum Edwards
Highest scoring word
185 for IMPUDENT by Calum Edwards
Highest scoring word with the 'Z'
64 for RIZ/ZEL by Mauro Pratesi
64 for ZOA* by Barry Grossman
* actual winning play
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Swiss Cottage - 4 February 2018 (4)
Posn Name wins spread game tot
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
1 Vince Boyle 4 294 1788
2 Sandie Simonis 3 305 1704
3 Calum Edwards 3 239 1768
4 Malcolm Shaw 3 179 1551
5 Diane Pratesi 3 89 1647
6 Colin St Hill 3 -82 1401
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
7 Elie Dangoor 2 293 1779
8 Dan Smith 2 22 1546
9 Viv Bishop 2 -12 1453
10 Danny Bekhor 2 -45 1483
11 Jake Berliner 2 -51 1479
12 Ruth MacInerney 2 -60 1519
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
13 Mauro Pratesi 2 -215 1395
14 Peter Dolgenos 1 -106 1440
15 Marc Meakin 1 -136 1582
16 David Shenkin 1 -338 1488
17 Priscilla Encarnacion 0 -183 1480
18 Barbara Morris 0 -193 1509
Highest single game score:
578 by Elie Dangoor
Highest single word scores:
103 for ZONK by Diane Pratesi
102 for SWIRLED/QUIETS by Sandie Simonis
Spot Prize winners:
round 1: highest scoring word with the 'W'
Vince Boyle, WAREHOUS 76
round 2: highest scoring word with the 'J'
Dan Smith, JARGONS 84
round 3: highest scoring second move
Marc Meakin, TURTLES/SAXES 76
round 4: lowest winning score
Ruth MacInerney, 350
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Chigwell - 14 January 2018 (4)
Posn Name wins spread game tot
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
1 Ruth MacInerney 3 361 1738
2 Calum Edwards 3 302 1860
3 David Shenkin 3 158 1634
4 Pini Stimler 3 -141 1545
5 Craig Solomons 2 185 1815
6 Peter Thomas 2 41 1625
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
7 Danny Bekhor 2 -178 1408
8 Jake Berliner 2 -248 1506
9 Diane Pratesi 1 -6 1512
10 Mauro Pratesi * 1 -30 1044
11 Barbara Morris * 1 -158 1131
12 Priscilla Encarnacion 0 -286 1381
* did not play first round
Highest single game score:
546 by Craig Solomons
Highest scoring word
94 for AYWORDS by Calum Edwards
Highest scoring outplay
83 for STABLER/PODS by Ruth MacInerney
29 for AH/AHI/HAG * by Peter Thomas
* actual winning outplay
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Swiss Cottage - 7 January 2018 (4)
Posn Name wins spread game tot
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
1 Calum Edwards 4 698 2075
2 Diane Pratesi 3 222 1660
3 Priscilla Encarnacion 3 114 1623
4 Mauro Pratesi 3 68 1418
5 Barbara Morris 2 -23 1519
6 Peter Thomas 2 -44 1527
---- --------------------- ---- ------ --------
7 Viv Bishop 2 -141 1378
8 Sandie Simonis 2 -228 1520
9 Hannah Poole 1 2 1608
10 Freda Marcus 1 -127 1502
11 Malcolm Shaw 1 -154 1508
12 Eileen Harihara 0 -387 1301
Highest single game score:
537 by Calum Edwards
Highest single word score:
96 for SEEDIER by Freda Marcus
Lowest winning score:
341 by Mauro Pratesi
Three in a row all scored 70 points:
by Priscilla Encarnacion
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Sunday Drive Cup 2018
Final Table - 17 Drives
pn | pic | Name | points | wins % |
1 |  | Danny Bekhor | 42 | 73.01 |
2 |  | Diane Pratesi | 41 | 69.84 |
3 |  | Calum Edwards | 30 | 67.31 |
4 |  | Craig Solomons | 15 | 75.00 |
5 |  | Peter Thomas | 15 | 60.00 |
6 |  | Sandie Simonis | 15 | 54.28 |
7 |  | Vince Boyle | 14 | 80.00 |
8 |  | Elie Dangoor | 14 | 70.37 |
9 |  | Ruth MacInerney | 14 | 55.81 |
10 |  | David Shenkin | 9 | 55.56 |
11 |  | Malcolm Shaw | 7 | 48.15 |
12 |  | Barry Grossman | 6 | 66.67 |
13 |  | Victoria Kingham | 6 | 45.00 |
14 |  | Jake Berliner | 5 | 48.93 |
15 |  | Priscilla Encarnacion | 5 | 34.78 |
16 |  | Paloma Raychbart | 3 | 75.00 |
17 |  | Pini Stimler | 3 | 50.00 |
18 |  | Len Edwards | 2 | 75.00 |
19 |  | Dan Smith | 2 | 50.00 |
20 |  | Barbara Morris | 2 | 39.13 |
21 |  | Mauro Pratesi | 2 | 34.21 |
22 |  | Peter Dolgenos | 2 | 33.33 |
23 |  | Colin St Hill | 1 | 37.04 |
Final individual performances at respective venues 2018
S Cottage 9 dvs pts % Chigwell 7 dvs pts % Shep Bush 1 dv pts %
------------------------------ ----------------------------- -----------------------------
Danny Bekhor 22 77.42 Diane Pratesi 19 67.86 Calum Edwards 5 100.0
Diane Pratesi 22 62.86 Danny Bekhor 16 67.86 Danny Bekhor 4 75.00
Sandie Simonis 15 54.29 Craig Solomons 15 75.00 Ruth MacInerney 3 75.00
Elie Dangoor 14 70.37 Calum Edwards 13 64.29 P. Encarnacion 2 50.00
Calum Edwards 12 70.00 Ruth MacInerney 9 60.00 Jake Berliner 1 50.00
Vince Boyle 9 75.00 Barry Grossman 6 66.67
Peter Thomas 9 65.00 Peter Thomas 6 55.00