How to join our club
A membership application form is available online by clicking here
All enquiries should be directed to our Membership Secretary:
Barbara Morris
Enquirers should mention how and where they heard about us,
(i.e. publicity/library/friend/other Scrabble club/ABSP or this website)
and include a full postal address and email address for correspondence.
Scrabble fixtures are organised for weekday evenings any weekday evening, or any afternoon by special arrangement,
at hosts around Greater London.
Play just once or twice a month or every week, as you prefer.
Fixtures consist of 4 players, playing 3 games each, in a round robin format, with points awarded to 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th.
Fixtures start at 7:30 p.m. aiming to finish by 11:15 p.m. at the latest.
The six month season starts on the first Mondays of April/October of the calendar year.
At the end of a six month season money prizes, cups and scrolls are awarded to those at the top of the league,
to Most Improved Players, highest word scores and for personal game bests.
Our club welcomes experienced players of all standards.
Our main activity is the League competition, running from April to September and from October to March each year.
A League Table shows each player's position; trophies and small prizes are awarded every season.
Matches are played in groups of four. Each person plays the other three in turn; points are given for wins/aggregate scores/high scores.
As far as we can, we arrange fixtures to fit the pattern of frequency (etc.) which each member selects.
They take place on weekday evenings from 7.30pm to about 10.45pm. (11.15 at the very latest).
You can either host all your fixtures or play them 'away' or both, in any proportion that suits you.
However, we urge you NOT to host in your FIRST season unless you have to because of, say, disability.
Apart from such 'formal' fixtures, members can arrange between themselves their own matches on any day of the week and at any time. Provided they meet all the requirements they will count towards the League Table.
(nb: A minimum of ten matches per season must be played to qualify for any of the League prizes of which six must be 'formal' fixtures from the monthly fixture lists.)
The current fee of £28.00 (or £12.00 for only emailed material) applies to two seasons (April-September/October-March) or to any part of it.
Sunday Drives.
Sunday Drives have recommenced and are normally scheduled for the first Sunday of every month at the Swiss Cottage Community Centre in North West London. All players are welcome including non-London League members. Sandie Simonis and former London League member/chair Chris Keeley currently co-share organising duties. Further assistance for running them on a regular basis would be appreciated.
As spaces are limited you are advised to email: if you want to attend one.
There is a separate entry for Sunday Drives which gives details of the venue used, how to get there, what to bring and start and finish times.