Main Tournament results can be found on the ABSP website here
Further Tournament results can be found on the Centre Star website here
The London Scrabble League Archive of Tournament results and pictures can be found here


Moira Conway provided the following report

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…but not so problematic for the app as the last one. This time it is only the appearance of the message asking for renewals, which are NOT due until the Summer season.
This season there were five new members so numbers are rising and the Sunday Drives have restarted but places must be booked through Sandie Simonis as there are limited spaces. Now to last season’s winners.

League table
Leader Lynne Kay had not played enough games at the beginning of September and needed just one more fixture to win the League. But unlike last season’s winner, Colin Parker, Lynne could not make it to ten.
So, a new name appeared at the top of the table for the first time. Paul Coyle became the winner of the Summer Season just edging out Sandie Simonis.
      points    average   games
      17.33     422.52      9   Lynne Kay 
  1   16.95     447.83     22   Paul Coyle  
  2   16.25     424.83     12   Sandie Simonis
  3   15.35     430.97     20   Jonny Maitland 
  4   15.28     442.87     18   Quentin Baker
Improvers Cup
This is earned by comparing the average points in the last two seasons of those who have played ten games in each and have never won it before. Five other members scored higher than Ruth Cawsey’s average, but none of those five had played the required ten fixtures. Ruth has not won it before so she wins the trophy. Additionally, the top four all win prize money.
   Ruth Cawsey            3.67 - Trophy winner
   Viv Bishop             2.04
   Malcols Shaw           1.94
   Barbara Morris         1.83
High Word Scrolls
There were twenty-eight moves entered as scoring more than 100. Scrolls go to the top three scores but does Lee get two?
   Quentin Baker          TREVALLY  176  Gold
   David Shenkin          TRENCHES  167  Silver
   Lee Graham             ICEBOATS  158  Bronze
   Lee Graham             STUBBIER  158  Bronze
   Jonny Maitland         ENGRAVED  158  Bronze
   David Holmes           RAVENOUS  158  Bronze
High Game Scrolls
Of the five new members, Ayesha Khan, Georgina Goodwin-Keene, Fidelis Olotu, Gill Bird and Vasavadatta Trivikrama, only Fidelis gained one.
Other members bettering their previous best were Elayne Kingaby, Eliot Lord, Harry Roth, Joe Bridal, Ken Feller and Quentin Baker but just Harry earned one.
   Fidelis Olotu         472 	    Bronze
   Harry Roth            458 	    Bronze
Congratulations to all winners and good luck for the new season.

The full results can found here

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Moira Conway provided the following report

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After a cold, wet and windy start to the year and a “glitchy” March for the app, the summer season has started. Because of the early unintended start of the new season everyone’s membership lapsed and no results could be entered into the app for both the winter and summer seasons. Gerry [Saunders] and Viv [Bishop] manually renewed the membership and sorted out the March glitches and Rachel [Bingham] cancelled the start of the new season. Surprisingly no results were entered before this was done, although two weeks later a rogue result appeared (thank you Quentin [Baker] for spotting this) which was instantly transferred to the winter table. So all looked good until I checked the high scores for each member to find out who would get scrolls for improving their highest score, only to find out that this had been messed up. Rachel to the rescue once more.

In the last game of the season the match at Elie's (30th March) produced the three game total for each player of over 1200 (1205, 1228, 1201 and 1209) and the words weren't too bad either CORNBALL, OUSTITI, EXONUMIA and TWIGLOOS.
In March Colin Parker scored over 500 in each of his games (546, 529 and 522).

League table
For a long time it looked as though the eventual winner would not complete the 10 matches needed of which 6 must be listed in the monthly fixtures but in the last week he managed it.

      points    average   games
  1   16.90     440.40     10   Colin Parker   
  2   16.58     426.69     12   Lynne Kay
  3   16.05     438.59     18   Quentin Baker 
  4   15.81     452.58     16   Paul Coyle
Improvers Cup
This is awarded to the player who has improved most compared to last season and has not won it before. Linda Bird has won it before so the player in second place wins it. Also ten matches must be played in each season.
   Linda Bird             3.55 - won it in Apr-Sep 2013
   Lee Graham             2.70 - Trophy winner
   Jonny Maitland         2.30 - won it in Apr-Sep 2019
   Colin Parker           1.90
The best two improvers happened to be: Maggie Thompson with 6.00 and Barbara Dein with 4.00. Sadly both were unable to play ten matches in either of the qualifying seasons.

High Word Scores
Scrolls are given to the highest word scores played during the season. There were 27 words listed in the app as having scored more than 100 points, The best are
   James Wagland        MUSCLING    176    Gold
   Philip Nelkon        HORSEMAN    167    Silver
   Quentin Baker        DEALATED    149    Bronze
High Game Scores
Scrolls are given to those who exceed 450, 550 or 650 for the first time. Only three members did this with two others beating their best scores. Sara Hunt (461 to 487) and Sue Bishop (484 to 499) but they have already had bronze scrolls. The new scroll winners are:
   Quentin Baker           651     Gold
   Maggie Thompson         496     Bronze
   James Wagland           467     Bronze
Well done to all winners.

The full results can found here

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Moira Conway provided the following report


The second "full" season has finished since the league restarted so the prizes, cups and scrolls are back to normal. Thus the Improvers Cup is awarded for the first time in three years. The number of active members is still not back to anywhere near its pre-Covid levels and some of those playing (including myself) are not travelling so far nor playing as frequently.

The rule of ten matches six of which must be on the official fixture list has meant that many players did not qualify, in fact four of the top eight missed out.... Sandie Simonis, David Holmes, Lynne Kay and Pam Vahed
       The Summer Trophy
	               points   average  games
  1.   Philip Nelkon   16.16    448.91    12   
  2    Philip Cohen    15.69    425.37    18
  3    Quentin Baker   15.53    445.14    14
  4    Pana Pugalia    15.21    407.16    16
The Improvers Cup
As two complete seasons need to be compared this is the first time, since Covid, that it has been awarded. You cannot win it twice. Stuart May wins the trophy. Additionally, the top four all win prize money.
   Stuart May              3.88 - wins Improvers Cup
   John Simon              3.70
   Priscill Encarnacion    3.64
   Wayne Riley             3.21
High Word Scrolls
As there were fewer games played the number of high scoring moves submitted was lower this season, only thirty compared to thirty-six last season. Scrolls to ...
   Quentin Baker         UNHINGES   158   Gold
   Lynne Kay             FASTINGS   149   Silver
   Rachel Bingham        NARKIEST   149   Silver
   Lee Graham            TIMELIER   140   Bronze
   Paul Coyle            DRIFTERS   140   Bronze
High Game Scores
Only four members bettered their highest game score, Barbara Dein by 8 points to 566, James Wagland by 12 to 423, Katrina Shalit by 63 to 449 and Sara Hunt by 71 to 461. So only one scroll is awarded.
   Sara Hunt          549     Bronze
Well done to all winners and good luck for the new season.

The full results can found here

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Moira Conway provided the following report

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The change of word book has removed 419 words of a derogatory nature. Many have more than eight letters but there are 7 three letter words, 18 with four letters, 57 five lettered words, 76 of six letters and 88 seven lettered with 61 eight lettered words bringing up the rear.
With the first full season for two years the League has reverted to its normal rules for prizes and scrolls with the exception of the Improvers Cup which needs two complete seasons. So the winners in the League table have to have played at least ten matches of which six must be on the monthly fixture lists. This eliminates many with fewer than ten matches and some with more but fewer than six listed fixtures. Most affected by this rule was Pam Vahed*.
      Winter Trophy (Reg Lever Cup)
	                     points   average  games 
 1.   Vince Boyle            17.45    455.32    20
 2.   Quentin Baker          15.94    443.12    17
 3.   Lynne Kay              15.60    415,97    10
[     Pam Vahed*             15.41    400.32    18 ]
 4.   Pana Pugalia           15.27    404.33    18
High Word Scrolls
There were thirty-six words scoring over one hundred. Despite fewer games being played there was no reduction in standard. Scrolls are awarded to:
   Elie Dangoor              BEVELERS    167  - Gold
   Jonny Maitland            NERVINGS    158  - Silver
   Quentin Baker             FEATURED    158  - Silver
   Jake Berliner             FREESIAS    149  - Bronze
   Ken Feller                MEDITATE    149  - Bronze
   Wayne Riley               PANTINGS    149  - Bronze
High Game Scores
There were over eighty scores of over 500 and six of over 600. Over half of these were down to five players, Quentin and Elie had 9 each, Vince had 10, followed by Philip Nelkon (7) and David Shenkin with 8. On top of this there were four times that a player scored over 1500 in a match. Seven players beat their previous high game score. They are Angele Andrews (525), Gerry Saunders (390), Katrina Shalit (386), Ken Fellow (505), Lee Graham (619), Quentin Baker (619) and Sue Bishop (489) New players also scored well in their first full season.
   Wayne Riley             549     - Silver
   Sue Bishop              489     - Bronze
Well done to all Scrabble players and good luck in the new season and I hope you have updated your devices or bought the new word book.

The full results can found here

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Moira Conway provided the following report

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After fifteen months of hibernation the London Scrabble League has been slowly awakening.

In July 40 members played, in August 50 and finally in September 55. This is a long way short of the numbers in the last full season but many are still wary of leaving their comfort zone including me as I would have to use public transport in the rush hour.

The newsletter outlined the criteria for winning a prize in the shortened summer season were changed.

The cup for the Most Improved Player will not be awarded until two complete seasons have been played. For the League cup only six matches needed to be played and it did not matter if they were listed or self arranged. This will, of course, revert to normal for the winter season. There was a prize for the highest word score.

Despite there being only three months in the season 35 of the 55 members played the six matches needed.

The top players are....
 1st Pam Vahed     who played 18 matches with an average of 15.70 she won a small cup and £20
 2nd Vincent Boyle playing    12 matches averaging 14.58  Vince won £15 and £5 for the highest scoring word
 3rd Paul Coyle    managing   11 matches scoring 14.54  Paul won £10
Best Improvers' Trophy
As mentioned above it will not be awarded until TWO full seasons have been completed.

High Word Scrolls
   Vince Boyle            AVOUCHES  167  gold
   Vince Boyle            LATINISED 131  Silver 
   Jake Berliner          WEARIEST  131  Silver 
   Victoria Kingham       SAUTOIRE  122  Bronze    
Other words scoring over 100 which didn't win scrolls included:

High Game Scrolls
None were awarded. Only one player improved their best game score Lyn Rackham from 474 to 517.

Congratulations to all winners and good luck for the new season.

The full results can found here

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Moira Conway provided the following report

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Due to the arrival of Coronavirus this season ended two weeks early. Many League members were social-distancing until at least the middle of April while others were self isolating for 14 weeks. This means there was no definite date for the start of face-to-face games. Had the season gone to completion the League table could have been completely different but there were too many ifs and buts so awards and prizes were awarded based on the table of 15th March. Some players only managed 8/9 games but could have played 10 by the end of March. The 10 games needed to be played this season as a qualification for a prize next season will be waived for those on 8 or 9 games and a special prize given to anyone who possibly would have got one this season had they played their 10 games.

Winter Cup
Prizes are given to the top four players each season who have played ten games.
This excluded Shailain Shah who was given one of the two special prizes given this season.

      points    average   games
  1   17.72     434.33     18   Lynne Kay   
  2   17.00     456.24     11   Elie Dangoor    
  3   16.89     407.59      9   Shailain Shah - special prize 
  4   16.71     453.48     14   Philip Nelkon   
  5   16.70     447.37     10   Colin Parker
Improvers Trophy
The trophy is given to the member whose points for the season has increased the most compared with the previous one.
It cannot be won more than once and ten games have to be played in both seasons.
Again a special prize was awarded, this time to Jenny Albon who had played 9 games.
Freda Marcus who had made the greatest improvement had only played 7 games with none scheduled for the last two weeks.
   Duncan Cook            3.650 Trophy winner
   Jenny Albon            3.489 - special prize
   Priscilla Encarnacion  2.857
   Sandy Amber	          2.800
   Maggie Fleming         2.722

High Word Scrolls
Despite the season being two weeks shorter than the last, there were more high scoring moves although most were between 110-100. Prize winners were....
   Vincent Boyle        CONQUERS    221    Gold
   Paul Coyle           SUNGAZER    212    Silver
   Moira Conway         BEFRIEND    176    Bronze
   Victoria Kingham     SNAFFLED    176    Bronze
High Game Scrolls
Only six players improved their high game scores and only one of them gained a scroll. the six are Barbara Ghodse (489), Ken Feller (499), Kirti Shah (519), Marion McAusland (507), Peter Dolgenos (592) and the scroll winner was...
   Shailain Shah           552     Silver
Well done to all winners.

The full results can found here

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Moira Conway provided the following report


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Once again it is time for me to go through all the results and review the season. The top of the table shows that once again it was a close run fight with Elie Dangoor just holding off Sandie Simonis. Roughly the same number of games were played by three of the top six players with only Vince Boyle playing more.
       The Summer Trophy
	               points   average  games
  1.   Elie Dangoor    17.29    463.88    17   
  2    Sandie Simonis  17.00    426.90    17      
  3    Vincent Boyle   16.94    441.48    27      
  4    Philip Nelkon   16.75    454.87    16
The Improvers Cup
To win the Improvers Cup ten listed games must be played in both this season and the last and it can only be won once. Jenny only just managed the ten games in both seasons!!
   Jenny Albon             4.60 - won trophy previously
   Jonny Maitland          3.88 - wins Improvers Cup
   Elayne Kingaby          3.50
   Clive Whichelow         2.71
High Word Scrolls
There were forty-five scores of over 100 submitted this season - down on last winter.
   Priscilla Encarnacion ANKYLOSE   176   Gold
   Quentin Baker         SONGBIRD   176   Gold
   Lynne Kay             ENORMITY   167   Silver
   Philip Moleman        DISSENTS   160   Bronze
High Game Scores
Eight players improved their best high game score this season with new member Ken Feller scoring over 450 in his one and only match in the summer season. Once again there was one fixture with a three game total of over 1700 with another of over 1600 and a further seven with over 1500 as the total. The highest individual game score was 730 followed by eleven of 600+. This was followed by 185 games of 500+.Improving players but not earning scrolls were Alastair Keens-Douglas 615, Jared Robinson 730, Lyn Rackam 517 and Pana Pugalia 613. Scrolls have been awarded to
   Lynda Salter        580     Silver
   Joseph Bennett      574     Silver
   Barbara Ghodse      472     Bronze
   Ken Feller          453     Bronze
This season the committee decided to give a cup to the best cricketing word submitted in honour of the late Christopher Howe - a keen scrabble player and cricket fan. This was won by Jake Berliner with a score of 68 for FIELDER.
Congratulations to all winners and good luck for the new season.

The full results can found here

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Moira Conway provided the following report

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It was warm and sunny last week but now it is wet and cold so summer must be here. Having slowly moved up the table Sandie Simonis started March in top position with a slender lead over Lynne Kay but this was slowly whittled away until only 19/20 points in her last game would give Sandie the trophy. Sadly it was 17.
      Reg Lever Cup (Winter Trophy)
	                     points   average  games 
 1.   Lynne Kay              17.21    444.25    19   
 2.   Sandie Simonis         17.13    431.07    19
 3.   Diane Pratesi          16.86    439.32    22
 4.   Vince Boyle            16.55`   456.90    21
Billie Gray Memorial Trophy (Improvers Trophy)
Ten games must be played in both of the last two seasons so the player with the greatest improvement was eliminated having only played 8 games this season. Final placings are....
   Sue Joseph              3.99 - wins Trophy
   Mary Brodbin	           2.98
   Julie Higgins	   2.70
   Jenni Chan	 	   2.51
High Word Scrolls
54 moves scored 100 and over this season and once again Paul Coyle played more than anyone else but only 4 this time and none of them high enough for a scroll. Starting in April a new word prize is being introduced. In memory of Chris Howe the theme is cricket. Yes you don't follow the game but it is surprising how many everyday words are used in the game... ball, bat, over, field, wicket to name but a few. On the other hand why not TONKER, YAHOO, NURDLE, JAFFA or even DILSCOOP - just a few from David Sutton's list on ABSP website.
   Jonny Maitland            EXERTION    194
   Quentin Baker             BROWSERS    185
   Victoria Kingham          ANTIQUES    185 
   Phil Nelkon               PONTIFEX    167
High Game Scores
There were 14 matches where the winner scored over 1500 and in one fixture the total was 1701. There were eight game scores of over 600 and over two hundred games with a score of over 500. Despite this only six members exceeded their previous best and only three of them receive scrolls for passing the 450 boundary. 550 is their next target.
   Joseph Bennett          540     Bronze
   Lyn Rackham             506     Bronze
   Duncan Cook             512     Bronze
Well done to all the winners and good luck in the new season.

The full results can found here

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Moira Conway provided the following report

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After 400+ fixtures the summer season is over and the winter one has begun. These fixtures produced three matches where the winner's three game total was in excess of 1600 and fourteen with a winner's total of 1500+.
       John Meikle Cup
	               points   average  games
  1.   Sandie Simonis   17.90    446.13    20	
  2.   Lynne Kay        17.73    442.46    15	
  3.   Pana Pugalia     17.54    435.40    24	
  4.   Elie Dangoor     17.33    477.27    12
Billie Gray Memorial Trophy
This is awarded to the member who has made the greatest improvement from the previous season. There are two conditions - the first is that ten matches must have been played in both seasons and the second that the winner had never won it before. The players in first and second places Christine Rumball and Karen Roston had both won it before with Christine also not managing to play the ten required games this season. Therefore the trophy goes to the next person Pamela Kikumu.
                   last season   this season  difference
Karen Roston           6.30        10,76        4.46
Pamela Kikumu          5.43         9.19        3.77  Trophy winner
Janet Adams            9.67        13.25        3.58
Lynda Salter           7.69        11.18        3.48
High Word Scrolls
There were only 52 moves submitted this season that scored over 100 with 5 of them being played by Paul Coyle.
   Paul Coyle             BRANCHES  185
   Colin Parker           HOUNDERS  167
   Marian Hamer           REMAKING  167
   Karen Roston           FEUDINGS  158
   Paul Coyle             PLASTRUM  158
   Cody McCormick         SWEATING  158
   Alastair Keens-Douglas BROODILY  158
High Game Scrolls
This season there was a plethora of high scoring games. There were ten games of over 600 and two hundred and thirty of over 500. Despite this there were only four members who beat their previous best score and three of them get scrolls.
   Colin Parker            651     Gold
   John Francis            558     Silver
   Ruth Cawsey             576     Silver

Congratulations to all winners and good luck for the new season.

The full results can found here

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Moira Conway provided the following report

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The Summer season has begun so here is a round-up of the winter league. The table had a fascinating end (to those involved) as the top three positions changed from day to day in the last three weeks. With barely a point between Lynne Kay, Colin Parker and Sandie Simonis at the end of March it was whittled down to 0.05 by the end of April with the order completely reversed. Quentin Baker remained in fourth place throughout the month. Bobbie Penn's points were higher but she had not played the required ten games.
Reg Lever Cup
      points    average   games
  1   18.05     445.22     18   Sandie Simonis
  2   18.00     452.39     17   Colin Parker
  3   17.93     437.95     15   Lynne Kay
  4   17.07     452.00     13   Quentin Baker 
Billie Gray Memorial Trophy
The Billie Gray trophy is given to the member whose points for the season has increased the most compared with the previous one. It cannot be won more than once and ten games have to be played in both seasons.
   Maureen Dobrin         4.684 Trophy winner
   Quentin Baker          4.244
   Clive Whichelow        3.724
   Colin Parker	          3.111
High Word Scrolls
Scrolls are given for the highest scoring moves each season. There were only sixty-three words submitted this season compared with seventy-two last time. No-one came near to beating Philip Cohen's 221 for playing SCOTCHED at the beginning of October while Sandie Simonis's SYNEDRIA was played in the last week of March. Paul Coyle played four words worth more than 100, Lee Graham, Colin Parker and Maggie Fleming following with three each. High Word Scrolls were awarded to:-
   Philip Cohen         SCOTCHED    221    Gold
   Sue Joseph           STOCKING    176    Silver
   Sandie Simonis       SYNEDRIA    176    Silver
   Jared Robinson       SCENTING    158    Bronze
High Game Scrolls
Eleven members bettered their previous best scores, but only five scrolls were earned.
Bronze scrolls are given for scores of over 450, silver for 550+ and scores over 650 are awarded a gold scroll.
   Jared Robinson          690     Gold
   Lynne Kay               657     Gold
   Eileen Harihara         573     Silver
   Lynda Salter            525     Bronze
   Sue Joseph              487     Bronze
Well done to all winners.

The full results can found here

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Moira Conway provided the following report


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Once again summer is over and the winter season of the London Scrabble League has started. And guess what - it is the same two names in first and second place although the order is reversed. The margin between the top places was not as close as has been in the past.
       John Meikle Cup
	               points   average  games
  1.   Elie Dangoor    18.30    480.67    13   
  2    Sandie Simonis  17.83    442.30    18      
  3    Lynne Kay       17.15    436.15    20      
  4    David Holmes    16.00    445.12    14
Billie Gray Memorial Trophy
The Billie Gray trophy is given to the most improved player who has not won it before and has played at least ten games in each of the last two seasons. Top this season is the League’s finance officer following last season's win by the membership secretary. But Marian Hamer has already held the trophy so it goes to the player in second place Lynda Salter. In fourth place would have been Shirley Fox with 3.60, but she did not play the required 10 games so Susan Thorne has moved to fourth place.
   Marian Hamer            6.20 (Previous Winner)
   Lynda Slater            4.20 - wins Billie Gray Trophy
   Karen Roston            4.15
   Susan Thorne            2.99

High Word Scrolls
Seventy-two moves were listed for high word scrolls with last season’s high score of 158 only in eighth place this time.
   Irene Kahan         CHOPPERS    230   Gold
   Paul Coyle          SLEAZOID    212   Silver
   Baldip Kaur         STRAWING    194   Bronze
High Game Scores
This season fifteen evenings saw a three games total of over 1500. There was one game with a score of 700+, twelve of over 600 and two hundred and fifty games where over 500 was scored. Fifteen members have beaten their best high game score this season but many by only a few points. This cannot be said of David Holmes and Paul Coyle who won gold scrolls for their scores of 731 and 692 respectively. A further two silver and two bronze scrolls were given. I won’t name the unlucky player who lost a game by 412, the opponent scoring 618 to their 206.
   David Holmes        731     Gold
   Paul Coyle          692     Gold
   Maggie Fleming      557     Silver
   Peter Dolgenos      552     Silver
   Marion McAusland    481     Bronze
   Nick Lynch          526     Bronze
Congratulations to all winners and good luck for the new season.

The full results can found here

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Moira Conway provided the following report

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It looked for most of the season that Addam Merali-Hosiene would retain the Reg Lever Cup (the trophy for the winter season) but a couple of fixtures didn't go his way (sorry Addam). That left Elie Dangoor and Sandie Simonis once again fighting for first and second place. The lead kept changing as their results came in, until the last week when Sandie took the lead. Elie needed 20 points from his last match to tie on average points and take the cup on average score. W hen his last result came in it was for 19 points missing one of the high game points. Steadily coming up the table to take third place was Philip Nelkon leaving Addam in fourth place.
Reg Lever Cup
 1.   Sandie Simonis         17.50    434.30    22   
 2.   Elie Dangoor           17.43    466.95    16
 3.   Philip Nelkon          17.25    454.97    16
 4.   Addam Merali-Hosiene   17.13    438.93    11
Billie Gray Memorial Trophy
This trophy is given to the player whose average points have increased the most when compared with the last season. Ten games have to played in each season. The winner this season is the membership secretary Janet Bonham who has done better than her son Graham this time last year.
   Janet Bonham            3.551 - wins Billie Gray Trophy
   Eileen Harihara         3.229
   Jennie Munday           2.818
   Ruth Cawsey             2.685
High Word Scrolls
A plethora of winners in the winter season but one person not mentioned is Robert Springer, a visitor from France who played three fixtures in February and scored 158 for WOBBLIER. Scrolls were won by:-
   Quentin Baker             SOREHEAD    158
   Florence Fontaine         AVOIDERS    149
   Alastair Keens-Douglas    STODGIER    149
   Irene Kahan               PHEASANT    149
   Rachel Bingham            RESPITES    149
   Pana Pugalia              FAINTERS    149
   Colin St Hill             SPLINTED    149
   Irene Kahan               BLISTERS    140
   Ian Gucklhorn             BESIEGES    140
   Colin Parker              REGULATE    140
   Alastair Keens-Douglas    DANGLERS    140
High Game Scores
Only seven members beat their high game score but only three bronze scrolls were awarded. James Burley and Jonny Maitland are approaching the 650 mark while Ruth Cawsey and Naomi Ajibade are on their way to silver scrolls
   Christine Jennings      466     Bronze
   Peter Dolgenos          508     Bronze
   Shaun Livingston        466     Bronze
Scrolls are given to players when they first score 450, 550 and 650 in a game. Well done to all the winners and good luck in the new season.

The full results can found here

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Moira Conway provided the following report

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Summer is over and Winter has started - that is Scrabble seasons. A new League champion has arrived. Having taken the lead in the June table he never looked like losing it so this season’s winner is Rick Joseph. The next three places were continually changing until finally Pana, Ian and Vince sorted themselves out.
       John Meikle Cup
	               points   average  games
  1.   Rick Joseph	17.64    420.58    11   
  2    Ian Gucklhorn	16.82    441.27    11   
  3    Pana Pugalia	16.73    424.21    22   
  4    Vincent Boyle	16.71    452.56    17
Billie Gray Memorial Trophy
This is awarded to the player whose average points this season has increased the most when compared to the last. There are only two stipulations - ten games must have been played in both seasons and you cannot win it twice. Strangely the top two players each failed on one of these points. Rob Kaczmarek only managed nine matches and Karen Roston won it in 2012 Summer season. So the cup goes to Tom with prizes going to Karen, Tom, Pat and Julie.
                   last season   this season  difference
Rob Kaczmarek         11.70        15.55        3.85
Karen Roston           5.57         9.00        3.43
Tom Silverlock         7.94        11.18        3.23  Trophy winner
Pat Taylor             8.15        10.86        2.71
Julie Higgins          6.81         9.45        2.64
High Word Scrolls
The League recognises the highest scoring moves each season. There were 67 moves scoring over 100 ranging from ACQUIRES to ZOFTIG. No word was duplicated but GROOVED, GROOVES and GROOVERS were pretty close. Tom Silverlock’s MOTHBALL from May survived the whole season.
   Tom Silverlcok             MOTHBALL    194   Gold
   Jules O’Mahoney            GROOVERS    185   Silver
   Philip Nelkon              STOCKADE    167   Bronze
   Philip Nelkon              COIFFING    167   Bronze
High Game Scores
The boundaries for high game scores are 450, 550 and 650 and eight members crossed from one to another this season. In all sixteen players improved high game scores with Gail Grainger and Eileen Harihara five and six points short of a silver scroll while Rachel Bingham and David Shenkin are heading for a gold.

   Pam Vahed               678     Gold
   James Burley            559     Silver
   Jared Robinson          629     Silver
   Quentin Baker           614     Silver
   Sandy Delroy            568     Silver
   Tom Silverlock          596     Silver
   Elayne Kingaby          475     Bronze
   Ruth Cawsey             485     Bronze

Congratulations to all winners and good luck for the new season.

The full results can found here

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Moira Conway provided the following report

. . .

After having the same names at the top of the League table for quite some seasons this time it is all change. Ruth Cawsey and James Burley finished top with 20.00 and 19.00 average points respectively. But each only played one game and as the League requires a minimum of ten games to be played before a prize can be awarded, this meant Addam won the seasonal Reg Lever cup.
Reg Lever Cup
  1   17.27       11      Addam Merali-Hosiene
  2   17.00       16      Rick Joseph
  3   16.96       13      Ian Gucklhorn
  4   16.83       12      Elie Dangoor 
Billie Gray Memorial Trophy
The Billie Gray Trophy is awarded to the player whose average points this season has increased the most when compared with last season. Ten games must have been played in each season. It cannot be given to the same player twice. Below are the best, but one player's average points were the same this season as last - Viv Bishop's 11.21.
   Phyllis Fernandez      3.018 Trophy winner
   Graham Bonham          2.750
   Syed Miqdad Raza       2.634
   Bobbie Penn            2.550

High Word Scrolls
Scrolls are given for the highest scoring moves each season. Jules O'Mahoney's score on October 15th was never caught. High Word Scrolls were awarded to:-
   Jules O'Mahoney      RAMBLING    176    Gold
   Elie Dangoor         DISGRACE    167    Silver
   Lee Graham           FIANCEES    167    Silver
   Lee Graham           ADHERENT    158    Bronze
   Rob Kaczmarek        WRITINGS    158    Bronze
   Philip Moleman       LASHINGS    158    Bronze
   Christine Rumball    RASPINGS    158    Bronze
   Colin Parker         PLICATED    158    Bronze
High Game Scores
Although sixteen members beat their best game scores only one crossed a "scroll boundary". Bronze scrolls are given for the first time a score of 450 is reached, silver for 550 and gold when the dizzy height of 650 is passed. Addam Merali-Hosiene, Bobbie Penn, Colin Parker and Pam Kikumu are on track for a gold scroll in the future. Silver scrolls are the target of Ann Best, Bridget Elton, Douglas Joseph, Naomi Ajibade, John Francis, Philip Moleman, Sandy Delroy and Viv Bishop. Colin Heinink, Elayne Kingaby and Simon Rosenstone need a few more points for a bronze scroll. So that leaves the one member that managed to cross the boundary......
   Eamonn Farrelly         467     Bronze
Well done to all winners.

The full results can found here

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Moira Conway provided the following report

. . . .

It’s a year since Myscrabbleapp was first used by the league after a three month trial. Now it has become the norm for the league (only a handful of results are posted or use a template) - and in most cases very successfully. The main glitches are not changing the date if the result is entered and emailed to me the next day...or even later, getting the order of the third and fourth players wrong by entering their names BEFORE knowing whom the host will play in the second round and having so many words recorded that not all of them reach me (the number of characters/spaces is limited). Leaving out brackets around scores, omitting surnames, using initials (unless two players have the same) and not using punctuation marks will help. Alternatively only enter special words and scores. The only other problem occurs when there is an absent player and instead of entering each player’s average score in the relevant game against the missing player zeros are entered. When the averages are entered the positions of each player can be altered.

Now to the review. Sandie Simonis wins the League’s summer season in a very closely fought battle, having been in second place for most of the six months. The leader for most of that time was Lynne Kay who ended up in fourth place. In second and third were Philip Nelkon and Elie Dangoor. In fact the same four player as in the last two seasons although in a different order!!
       John Meikle Cup
	               points   average  games
  1.   Sandie Simonis  17.84    446.58    22   
  2    Philip Nelkon   17.75    456.58    16      
  3    Elie Dangoor    17.62    469.44    16      
  4    Lynne Kay       17.47    428.82    19
Billie Gray Memorial Trophy
The trophy for the most improved player goes to Elayne Kingaby with an improvement of 3.333 over last season. In second place would have been Gail Grainger with 2.526 but unfortunately she didn’t play the required ten games so second place goes to Bridget Elton with Sharon Landau in third.
                   last season   this season  difference
Elayne Kingaby         3.40         6.73        3.333
Bridget Elton          4.71         7.07        2.357
Sharon Landau         11.78        14.06        2.287
Betty Balding         10.41        12.44        2.031
High Word Scrolls
No-one managed to beat the high word score of Barbara Morris, which she achieved in June, but Kim, Ian and Marian were joined by Cody in a tie for the second highest move with Keith and Jenny in third place.
   Barbara Morris      INTHRONE    176   Gold
   Marian Hamer        ERECTING    167   Silver
   Ian Gucklhorn       REVILING    167   Silver
   Kim Phipps          GARBLERS    167   Silver
   Cody McCormick      TORCHING    167   Silver
   Keith King          CATTIEST    149   Bronze
   Jenny Clifford      CARAMELS    149   Bronze
High Game Scores
Nine members have bettered their high game score this season but only two bronze scrolls have been awarded. Maggie Fleming is only two points short of a silver scroll (548) and Eamonn Farrelly one short of a bronze. Others were Bridget Elton (470), Cody McCormick (568), Colin Heinink (377), Elayne Kingaby (431) and Maurice McParland (592).
   Douglas Joseph    470     Bronze
   Jennie Munday     476     Bronze
There have been ten game scores of over 600 this season, the highest being 657 from Philip Nelkon (pictured below) and 655 from Sandie Simonis. Each involved playing six bonuses - Philip’s being ENCORE, LUTEOLIN, SPICING, SELENATES, REIVING, MORULAE. Sandie’s were COGNATE, AREOLAE, TWENTIES, UNRULES, GOALIES and AIRLINE. In three other matches 5 bonuses were played in the same game by Paul Coyle, Barbara Morris and Moira Conway. In fifteen fixtures a three game total of more than 1500 was achieved. Elie Dangoor did this four times, Pana Pugali twice with the remainder, Vincent Boyle, Philip Cohen, Moira Conway, Paul Coyle, Ian Gucklhorn, Philip Nelkon, Colin Parker, Kim Phipps and Sandie Simonis managing it once.

Congratulations to all winners and good luck for the new season.

The full results can found here

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Moira Conway provided the following report

. . . .

Reg Lever Cup: Once again Elie Dangoor is at the top of the league table. His 18.2 average for ten matches could not be caught although Sandie Simonis did her best with 17.61 for twenty-three. Third place goes to Lynne Kay with 17.56 for sixteen matches. After a good start to the season a few lost games left Philip Nelkon in fourth place. In fact, the same four people finished in the same places as last season playing roughly the same number of fixtures.
Reg Lever Cup
 1.   Elie Dangoor      18.20    464.60    10   
 2.   Sandie Simonis    17.61    439.45    23
 3.   Lynne Kay         17.56    435.06    16
 4.   Philip Nelkon     17.00    452.44    12
Billie Gray Memorial Trophy
The Trophy is given to the player who is deemed to have improved most by comparing their average points this season with last. The only requirement is that ten games must have been played in each and that six of them must be on the monthly fixture list. Naomi Ajibade had the greatest increase in average points but, unfortunately, only played nine matches. So the trophy goes to the player in second place, John Francis, with an improvement of 3.589.
   Naomi Ajibade           4.192 - insufficient games played
   John Francis            3.589 - wins Billie Gray Trophy
   Andy Gray               2.928
   Phyllis Fernandez       2.466
   Jules O’Mahoney         2.390
High Word Scrolls
Word scrolls are given to the three highest recorded moves. They ranged from BACKSIDE to ZELANTS. Andy Gray, George Gruner, Colin Parker and Sandie Simonis each played three of the seventy words submitted. The committee has decided to give a financial prize to the overall winner/s of the highest move this season as well as a scroll. Scrolls were won by:-
   Colin St Hill             UNPRETTY    176
   George Gruner             SCABBILY    176
   Vincent Boyle             HANGOVER    167
   Kim Phipps                MOTHIEST    158
   Barbara Morris            DEVEINED    158
High Game Scores
There were eleven matches where a player had a three game total of more than 1500, two of them by Philip Nelkon. Six members scored more than 600 in a game and there were 175 scores of more than 500.
   Barbara Morris          696     Gold
   Rachel Bingham          561     Silver
   Dan Smith               568     Silver
   Bobbie Penn             552     Silver
Scrolls are given to players when they first score 450, 550 and 650 in a game. Ann Best, Janet Adams, Paul Coyle, June Edwards and Gail Grainger all improved their best scores but not enough to get another scroll. But there was one gold and three silver scrolls gained this season. Well done to all the Scrabble players and good luck in the new season (except against me).

The full results can found here

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Moira Conway provided the following report

. . . .

The end of another season and possibly the last one using the current result and fixtures program - HouseLeague - which we have used for nearly twenty years. Since the beginning of June all of the results have been entered in full into with Rachel entering the April and May results in an abbreviated form. From the start of the winter season all results will be entered in full together with the words played. If you use the new program to send the results to me you will get an accurate picture of how you play. If you continue to send them by template or iPhone/iPad then I will have to guess whom you play in each round when inputting the games. It would help in this situation, and if you still post them to me, if you include the order in which the host plays their visitors when you send them to me.

Now to the review. Again it is Elie at the top at the end of the season - and for most of it. By the end of July it was, once again, just a matter of the chasers playing catch-up. This looked possible at the end of August with Sandie only 0.35 behind but she had to get 20 points in most, if not all, of her matches. Alas this didn't happen.
       John Meikle Cup
	               points   average  games
  1.   Elie Dangoor	18.70    471.97    10   
  2    Sandie Simonis	17.95    440.68    20   
  3    Lynne Kay	17.60    426.71    15   
  4    Philip Nelkon	17.08    456.62    13
Billie Gray Memorial Trophy
Just managing to complete the ten games necessary in the second last week in September the most improved player in this season is Cody McCormick who just beat long time member Ashley De Safrin who has now moved to Wiltshire. Ten games have to be played in both this season and the previous one and six have to be on the fixture list.
                   last season   this season  difference
Cody McCormick        11.59        15.40        3.81
Ashley De Safrin       9.24        12.47        3.23
Moira Conway          12.09        15.17        3.08
Lynne Kay             15.00        17.60        2.60
High Word Scrolls
Scrolls are also given for the highest words played. ZANY (103) was the shortest and REENLISTED (131) the longest. Jake Berliner, Paul Coyle and Mohamed Kamara each played four and Colin Parker managed three with a score of over 100.
   John Francis               TWEAKING    194   Gold
   Alastair Keens-Douglas     ESCAPADE    167   Silver
   Dan Smith                  WORMIEST    158   Bronze
   Barbara Allen              COININGS    158   Bronze
   Norma Galley               BAPTISER    158   Bronze
High Game Scores
There were 11 fixtures where a player scored over 1500 and one with a total of 1629. Phil Cohen scored 716 in a game and eight others scored over 600. A total of 217 games had a player scoring 500 and over. Vincent Boyle and Pam Vahed topped the list with 13 scores of 500+ closely followed by Moira Conway (12), Mohamed Kamara (10) and Sandie Simonis (9).

Scrolls are given to players who exceed 450, 550 and 650 for the first time. As Phil already has a gold scroll and all of the other 8 players scored less than 650 the highest and only scroll awarded was a silver.
   Paul Coyle              556     Silver
Congratulations to all winners and good luck for the new season.

The full results can found here

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Moira Conway provided the following report

. . . . .

Reg Lever Cup: Once again it's time to review the season, and once again it’s Elie Dangoor on top by quite a margin. The main focus has been on the second, third and fourth places. After a bad start to the season Sandie Simonis fought her way up the table but could not catch Vince Boyle in second place. Jonny Maitland was close behind in fourth.
Reg Lever Cup
 1.   Elie Dangoor      18.60    472.57    10   
 2.   Vincent Boyle     16.92    446.18    24
 3.   Sandie Simonis    16.53    428.12    19
 4.   Jonny Maitland    16.50    429.70    21
In a fixture in March Caroline Elliott scored 377 in each of her games and one of the other players also managed 377. I hadn't seen this before.

Billie Gray Memorial Trophy
The Trophy is awarded to the member who has shown the most improvement in the season. They must have played ten games in both this season and in the last. Also six fixtures must be as per the fixture list and they cannot win it twice.
   Christine Rumball       + 6.22
   Maureen Dobrin            4.69
   Tom Silverlock            4.52
   Phyllis Fernandez         3.29
High Word Scrolls
Scrolls are given for the highest words played each season. 78 words were submitted this season, ZLOTYCH, BLOWZES and PERUKES being note-worthy. Alastair Keens-Douglas played four with Addam Merali-Hosiene, Colin Parker, Karen Roston ad John Simon each playing three. Scrolls were won by:-
   Marian Hamer              IMPINGED    167
   Moira Metcalf             AVENGERS    167
   Alastair  Keens-Douglas   LEAVINGS    167
   Barbara Allen             HOARDING    158
   Philip Nelkon             TALISMAN    149
   Ann Best                  SOLVENTS    149
High Game Scores
Scrolls are also given when a player scores 450+, 550+ and 650+ for the first time. Despite there being ten scores of over 600 no-one managed 650 so only silver and bronze scrolls are being awarded this season.
   June Edwards            485     Bronze
   Bridget Elton           464     Bronze
   John Francis            463     Bronze
   Kadda Mohamed           466     Bronze
   Stanley Ngundi          526     Bronze
   Addam Merali-Hosiene    629     Silver
   Colin Parker            609     Silver
Eileen Harihara, Dan Smith, Christine Rumball, Damian O'Malley, Mohamed Kamara, Sue Roberts, Ann Best and Rachel Bingham all had higher game scores than last season. In her first season Elaine Kingaby was just short of a bronze scroll. Congratulations to all winners and good luck for the new season.

The full results can found here

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Moira Conway provided the following report

. . .

The summer season is over and it's been a bumper season for new members - NINE in all. Welcome to (in no particular order) Addam, Donald, Mohamed, Kelvin, Cherry, Tom, John, Sue and Gail. May your Scrabble evenings be happy ones. The top of the League table is as close as ever. Anyone of the leading four could have won but it's Elie on top and he takes the John Meikle cup.
John Meikle Cup
 1.   Elie Dangoor      17.88    476.82    17   
 2.   Sandie Simonis    17.64    450.47    22   
 3.   Vincent Boyle     17.24    456.36    27   
 4.   Philip Cohen      16.90    427.57    21
Billie Gray Memorial Trophy
The Trophy goes the player, who having played at least ten games both this season and last, has made the most improvement and has not won it before.
 1. Linda Bird,              3.75
 2. Clive Whichelow,         3.50
 3. Rachel Bingham,          2.42
 4, Damian O'Malley,         2.28
High Word Scrolls
Word scrolls (bronze, silver and gold) are given for highest words submitted each season. 77 words with scores of 100+ were played this time from AGENESIA to ZEALOTS. David Shenkin and Andy Gray each played 5 with Elie Dangoor, Karen Roston and Vincent Boyle playing 4. Scrolls were won by:-
   Rachel Bingham             GLOVINGS    176   Gold
   Priscilla Encarnacion      LEVERING    167   Silver
   Sandie Simonis             FACTORED    167   Silver
   Eileen Harihara 	      HEADINGS    167   Silver
   Tim Knight		      SLOPPIER    158   Bronze
   Ena McNamara               STEADILY    158   Bronze
   Greg Neal		      FAILINGS    158   Bronze
   Vincent Boyle              DIORAMAS    158   Bronze
High Game Scores
High game scrolls are awarded to members who score 450+, 550+ and 650+ for the first time in a fixture. After last season's dismal number there has been an increase but still no golds for 650+ although Mohamed went straight for a silver scroll bypassing the bronze.
   Pana Pugalia            589     Silver
   Mohamed Kamara          575     Silver
   Damian O'Malley         563     Silver
   Kelvin Lam              518     Bronze
   Tom Silverlock          514     Bronze
   Gail Grainger           500     Bronze
John Francis was 3 points short of a bronze (447) and Rachel Bingham 17 short of a silver. Addam Merali-Hosiene scored 440 in his first and only game in the season so next season..... Cherry Shade scored 396 and Sue Roberts 324 in their first season.

Congratulations to all winners and good luck for the new season.

The full results can found here

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Moira Conway provided the following report

. . .

Once again the winter season draws to an end and the cups and scrolls are decided. The Reg Lever cup goes once again to Sandie Simonis after a close final month. Each time either Sandie's or Elie's result came in the lead changed. Pana came closer and closer and then made it into second place with her final result. Sandie has now, in total, won 5 winter seasons, one more than Philip Nelkon.
Reg Lever Cup
 1.   Sandie Simonis    18.17    436.04    18   
 2.   Pana Pugalia      17.74    426.12    17   
 3.   Elie Dangoor      17.66    478.75    16   
 4.   Mike Chappell     16.89    431.40    28 
Billie Gray Memorial Trophy
The Trophy goes the player, who having played at least ten games both this season and last, has made the most improvement and has not won it before.
   Sharon Landau           + 3.35
   Barbara Allen             3.32
   Maureen Dobrin            3.10
   Jules O'Mahoney           2.45
   Jake Berliner             2.36
   Sandy Delroy              2.22
High Word Scrolls
Scrolls are given for the highest scoring words played each season. Only 62 words were submitted this season. Ted Lewis played an amazing NINE words scoring over 100 leaving Karen Game and Mike Chappell trailing on four. Only SQUARER was played twice. Scrolls were won by:-
   Renée Gilbert     CROPPERS    185    Gold
   Tim Knight        ENFORCES    176    Silver
   David White       SCRIPTED    176    Silver
   Mike Chappell     STROYING    158    Bronze
High Game Scores
These are also rewarded with a scroll for the first time a player scores 450, 550, or 650 they are given a bronze, silver or gold scroll. This season is sadly lacking in the giving of high game scrolls despite there being eight scores of over 600. These players have already received scrolls in the past. Only one player has earned a scroll although two others bettered their best scores. Maggie Fleming (531) and Rachel Bingham (525) edged nearer to a gold scroll but Damian is the only winner rhis season
   Damien O'Malley         497     Bronze
Congratulations to all winners and good luck for the new season.

The full results can found here

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Moira Conway provided the following report

. . . . .

Elie 17.88 Tim 17.88
For the first time since I started dealing with the results (2007) there was a points draw at the top of the League. Elie gained 286 points over 16 fixtures giving an exact average of 17.875 and Tim, playing 20 fixtures gained 357.5 points giving an average of 17.875. So what next? The only other statistics kept by the HouseLeague program are average game scores and number of games played. Elie played 16 games with an average score of 464.46 and Tim played 20 games with an average of 442.43. So which to use? HouseLeague gives precedence to average score before number of games played so Elie is top of the League...a very close result. If Tim had got 20 points in his last match (he missed one high score) he would have been top. Joe Bridal in fourth place had exactly the same average points as last season but dropped a place. So the John Meikle cup goes to Elie.
John Meikle Cup
  1   17.88   464.46   16   Elie Dangoor
  2   17.88   442.43   20   Tim Knight
  3   17.58   444.49   24   Sandie Simonis
  4   17.00   433.92   12   Joe Bridal
Billie Gray Memorial Trophy
The trophy is won by the player who has improved most this season having played ten games in both this season and the last. No member can win it more than once.
   Karen Roston              5.00
   Christine Rumball         3.26
   Jonny Maitland            3.19
   Tim Knight                2.58
   Marian Cuckson            2.55
   Eileen Harihara           2.48
   David White               2.42
High Word Scrolls
Scrolls are awarded for the three highest moves each season. This time the scores were 203 (gold), 167 (silver) and 158 (bronze). Only eighty-six plays were recorded this time - a drop of 12. One player had five offerings (modesty prevents me from saying who) and three players - Graham Bonham, Pat Heffernan and Ashley de Safrin - had four with Barbara Morris and George Gruner having three. Only two words were repeated PANTIES and SKITTER. Scrolls were won by:-
   Ted Lewis         REQUITES    203    Gold
   Pam Vahed         VIEWINGS    203    Gold
   Lynne Kay         EVERTING    167    Silver
   Moira Conway      OBEDIENT    167    Silver
   Moira Conway      ABRIDGES    158    Bronze
High Game Scores
The London Scrabble League also awards scrolls when a player scores 450+ (bronze), 550+ (silver) and 650+ (gold) for the first time. No gold scrolls this season. Barbara Green gets a silver having had a bronze last season. Other players improving their best game score were Rachel Bingham (501), Caroline Elliott (564), Baldip Kaur (617) and Pana Pugalia (544).
   Lee Graham              600     Silver
   Barbara Green           571     Silver
   Cody McCormick          555     Silver
   Ike Obidike             559     Silver
   Jules O'Mahoney         550     Silver
   Naomi Ajibade           482     Bronze
Congratulations to all winners and good luck for the new season.

The full results can found here

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Moira Conway provided the following report

. .

Rejoining the London League after a gap of some years Elie Dangoor has taken the Reg Lever Cup with an overwhelming run. He played eighteen fixtures – 54 games – and only lost THREE (all in December). After losing ground in December and falling to eighth position he soon made up the deficit and rose to third by the end of January. Then it was a steady rise until he couldn’t be caught despite the efforts of the chasing pack.
Reg Lever Cup
  1   18.39   470.65   18   Elie Dangoor
  2   17.35   443.12   23   Sandie Simonis
  3   17.00   433.57   17   Joe Bridal
  4   16.75   441.98   16   Di Dennis 
Billie Gray Memorial Trophy
The Billie Gray Trophy is awarded to the player who has made the greatest improvement over the last season having played ten fixtures in both AND has never won it before. Joe Bridal’s average points increased the most (10.18 to 17) but he had previously won it in the April – September 2002 season so it goes to the player in second place - Sue Scott.
   Joe Bridal                6.82
   Sue Scott                 4.11 Trophy winner
   Sally Fiszman             2.52
   Barbara Green             2.51
   Malcolm Shaw              2.42
   Shailain Shah             2.20
   Helen Sandler             2.04

High Word Scrolls
Scrolls are awarded to the highest three word scores each season. Ninety-eight scores of over 100 were submitted this time – from ANIMATES to ZOOGAMY. Clive Whichelow played UPSHIFT twice for 112 each time. Vince Boyle had four moves over 100 while Phil Cohen, Moira Conway, Lee Graham, Ayaz Kazi, Pana Pugalia, David Shenkin and Clive Whichelow all had three high scoring moves. High Word Scrolls were awarded to:-
   Vincent Boyle     ENTOZOIC    194    Gold
   Victoria Kingham  QUAESTOR    185    Silver
   Pamela Kikumu     OUTLIVES    158    Bronze
   Sharon Landau     CLOGGERS    158    Bronze
   Sandie Simonis    UNHOLIER    158    Bronze
High Game Scores
Scrolls are also given when a player scores 450+ (bronze), 550+ (silver) and 650+ (gold) for the first time. One gold, three silver and five bronze were won this season. Baldip Kaur just missed out on a gold scroll (606), as did Martin Leverton (602). Other players bettering their previous best were Chris Howe, Pana Pugalia and Dan Smith. Jules O’Mahoney was two points short of her first scroll.
   Vincent Boyle           715     Gold
   Rob Kaczmarek           573     Silver
   Ayaz Kazi               624     Silver
   Susan Thorne            556     Silver
   Rachel Bingham          500     Bronze
   Lee Chesham             518     Bronze
   Barbara Green           451     Bronze
   Abhijit Naik            530     Bronze
   Christine Rumball       467     Bronze
Well done to all winners.

The full results can found here

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Moira Conway provided the following report

. . . .

It's over!!
Now is the time to plan your assault on the top of the Autumn season’s league table and topple Vince. Once again he finishes top closely followed by Mike Chappell – but it wasn’t as close as last season.
Reg Lever Cup
  1   17.45   453.76   22   Vincent Boyle
  2   17.24   442.49   23   Sandie Simonis
  3   17.18   443.33   17   David Holmes
  4   16.79   448.20   17   Di Dennis
Billie Gray Memorial Trophy
The player whose average points has increased by the greatest margin compared to last season and has played at least ten official fixtures in both seasons is awarded the Billie Gray Trophy. No-one can win it twice. The winner this season is.... Moira Metcalf with an improvement of 3.89. Surprisingly two members had the same average points this season as last – Caroline Elliott (8.97) and Christopher Howe (8.24).
   Moira Metcalf             3.89
   Clive Whichelow           2.91
   Jenny Clifford            2.57
   Barbara Whittle           2.49
   Josephine Colman          2.47
   Sharon Landau             2.36
   Reg Dendy                 2.23
High Word Scrolls
Sixty-nine moves scoring over 100 (if you include OUTSIZE which had no player mentioned) and no word was repeated. Three members had three high scoring moves this season Moira Conway, Lee Graham and Cody McCormick. Scrolls were won by:-
   Pam Vahed         SQUANDERED  194    Gold
   Malcolm Shaw      TOUCHIER    194    Gold
   Baldip Kaur       FLINGERS    167    Silver
   Cody McCormick    BELOVING    167    Silver
   Charles Gale      SNIGGERS    163    Bronze
High Game Scores
High game scrolls are won when a player scores 450+ (bronze), 550+ (silver) and 650+ (gold) for the first time.
   Tim Knight              662     Gold
   Shirley Cave            562     Silver
   Pana Pugalia            499     Bronze
   Syed Raza               489     Bronze
   Jennifer Turovski       480     Bronze
   Jonathan De Souza       454     Bronze
David Holmes was 4 points short of a gold scroll while Charles Gale, Lee Graham, Carol Joahill and Joel Stanley just missed out on a silver scroll. Well done to all winners

The full results can found here

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Moira Conway provided the following report

. . .

Winner by a whisker!!!!
In one of the closest finishes for a long time Vince Boyle wins the League's winter season and the Reg Lever Trophy. This reverses the result of last winter season's finish where Sandie came first and Vince second. (and strangely enough Di Dennis was third!) After numerous 19 and 20 point evenings both Sandie and Vince lost a game in their last matches but this didn't stop them holding off third place David Holmes.
Reg Lever Cup
  1   17.45   453.76   22   Vincent Boyle
  2   17.24   442.49   23   Sandie Simonis
  3   17.18   443.33   17   David Holmes
  4   16.79   448.20   17   Di Dennis
Billie Gray Memorial Trophy
The Trophy is given to the player who has increased their average points score over the last season. Ten games must have been played in each and six of those must be from the official fixtures. Also no-one can hold the trophy twice. Barbara Green improved by 2 points last season and by another 2.53 this time. Well done!
   Marian Hamer           4.09
   Reeyaaz Goolamhossen   2.83
   Barbara Green          2.53
   Sheila Hockey          2.15
   Jackie McLeod          1.96
   Lee Graham             1.82
   Martin Leverton        1.67
High Word Scrolls
Seventy-five moves scoring over 100 were played this season - twelve less than in the last. EXCITED was the only word played twice. Three players had three high scoring moves - Linda Bird, Di Dennis and Pat Heffernan. But SIX words were played by Ted Lewis but then he did play 59 matches.
   Karen Game        UNGRAZED    212    Gold
   Syed Raza         QUILTING    203    Silver
   Marian Hamer      REVOKERS    185    Bronze
   Mekhla Mittal     OUTFIRES    185    Bronze
   Chrystal Rose     LEATHERS    185    Bronze
High Game Scores
Scrolls are awarded the first time a player score of 450+ (Bronze), 550+ (Silver) and 650+ (Gold). Fourteen players beat their previous best but only four crossed the boundary line.
   Lee Graham              502     Bronze
   Reneé Gilbert           574     Silver
   Reeyaaz Goolamhossen    641     Silver
   Mekhla Mittal           613     Silver
Three other members, Vince Boyle (626), Lynne Kay (617) and Jake Berliner (614) didn't quite score enough for a gold scroll. Cody McCormick was four points short of a silver scroll (546) with Ayaz Kazi on 527, Carol Joahill on 515 and Rita Ellman on 522 close behind. Congratulations to all the scroll and prize winners.

The full results can found here

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Moira Conway provided the following report


A change at the top!!
After a run of fives wins a new winner of the League’s Summer season. A clear win for Vince Boyle. But the next six players were within 0.6 of each other. So the John Meikle Cup goes to a new home.
Reg Lever Cup
 1    18.07    447.52    22   Vince Boyle
 2    17.00    455.53    19   Di Dennis,
 3    16.74    443.67    19   Moira Conway
 4    16.50    430.81    12   David Holmes
Billie Gray Memorial Trophy
The Trophy is awarded to the best player who has not received it before. This season it goes to the player who has made the most improvement over last season having played ten games in each six of which were listed in the fixtures. This seasons prize winners are :-
   Ralph Obemeasor	  4.45
   Eileen Anderson        3.97
   Andrew Lane            2.33
   David Holmes           2.18
   Sandra Weston          2.08
   Ashley De Safrin       2.06
   Barbara Green          2.04
High Word Scrolls
Eighty seven scores of over 100 were submitted this season. Only EQUINES appeared more than once and one was the nine letter word (ID)EALIZED.
   Karen Game               QUAINTER     194    Gold
   Alastair Keens-Douglas   HORMONAL     176    Silver
   Sandy Amber		    PAUNCHES     167    Bronze
   Freda Marcus             BINDINGS     167    Bronze
   Caroline Elliott         FEASTING     167    Bronze
High Game Scores
These are awarded when a player achieves a score of 450 (Bronze), 550 (Silver) and 650 (Silver) for the first time. This season only one gold, one silver and two bronze were won despite twelve players beating their previous best.
   Karen Game              652     Gold
   Caroline Elliott        555     Silver
   Ayaz Kazi               520     Bronze
   Mekhla Mittal           494     Bronze
The best game score of the season was Phil Cohen’s 750 with Jake Berliner (596), Shirley Cave (516), Mike Elman (561), Reeyaaz Goolamhossen (525), Joyce Hoffbrand (511), Victoria Kingham (624), Tim Knight (619), Ralph Obemeasor (561) all improving their season’s best. New members Sevy Dalgedo, John Dodds, Lee Graham, Yvonne Hicks, Peter Johnson, Bob Taylor and Jason Williams have started well.

The full results can found here

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Moira Conway provided the following report


Yes It’s five in a row!!!!
Sandie Simonis has won the League’s winter season and the Reg Lever Cup. Although the final margin was respectable, at one point there was only 0.01 between first and second place.
Reg Lever Cup
  1   17.53   439.81   16   Sandie Simonis
  2   17.09   450.26   23   Vincent Boyle
  3   16.96   458.29   14   Di Dennis
  4   16.83   466.78   18   Mike Chappell
Billie Gray Memorial Trophy
The seven players who have made the most improvement between this and the last season and have played ten game in each receive £6. The Billy Gray Trophy is awarded to the best player who has not received it before.
   Mike Elman             5.03
   Michael White          4.46
   Jenny Clifford         4.04
   Ashley de Safrin       3.33
   Barbara Allen          3.24
   Carol Joahill          2.77
   Eileen Harihara        2.61
High Word Scrolls
Only eighty-four moves reported this season to have scored more than 100 and no-one offering more than three. The only words appearing more than once were SQUEALER and QUESTING.
   Joy Hewgill       SHARPEST    194    Gold
   Linda Quarterman  FAMELESS    167    Silver
   Alan Safier       ELECTING    158    Bronze
   Alan Safier       SWOONERS    158    Bronze
   Valery Jansen     FAIRINGS    158    Bronze
   Mike Chappell     THREATEN    158    Bronze
High Game Scores
These are awarded when a player achieves a score of 450 (Bronze), 550 (Silver) and 650 (Silver) for the first time. There is one gold winner, 2 silver and 7 bronze winners.
   Mike Chappell           658     Gold
   Mike Elman              552     Silver
   Jonny Maitland          619     Silver
   Angele Andrews          513     Bronze
   Eileen Harihara         486     Bronze
   Valery Jansen           486     Bronze
   Monica Marden           495     Bronze
   Cody McCormick          522     Bronze
   Dan Smith               477     Bronze
   Michael White           451     Bronze
Kim Phipps recorded her highest ever League score 608, while Joel Stanley (522), Alan Freeman (544), Chris Howe (509), Reeyaaz Goolamhossen (498) and Ann Best (468) did better than last season but not quite enough to get a scroll. Well done to all members.

The full results can found here

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