The official website of the

SCRABBLE ® and associated trademarks and trade dress are owned by, and used under license from Mattel, Inc.
SCRABBLE is a registered trademark of J. W. Spear & Sons Limited, a subsidiary of Mattel Inc, © 2023 Mattel, Inc, All Rights Reserved

Scrabble matches:
Once a week/once a month/twice a month - any weekday evening or afternoon by special arrangement.
One match: four players, 3 games, round robin format, 7.30pm to 10.45pm.
Six month seasons: Winners' Cup, Improvers' Cup plus Scrolls for highest word scores/game scores.

What's new: December Drive results... | Next Drive 12th January...

All members are reminded to follow League Covid protocols when attending fixtures.
To view these protocols click here

All fixture results should entered onto for registering on the League table with regular prizes awarded at the end of the season.

We do need more members to restart playing. At the moment with fewer than 80 members resgistered for fixtures not everyone will have the usual variety of fixtures and one or two may not have any.

If members have not returned to playing fixtures but want to have fixtures arranged for you please log into the app and register your options.

LSL Sit-and-Go tournaments are still available on for you to play against other members of the London Scrabble League on Scrabble GO - the new Scrabble app.

If you would like to participate in the LSL ONLINE League, please contact Gerry Saunders via email for more information and step-by-step instructions.

Our mailing list for London Scrabble League related matters. Click here for more information.

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© 2003-2024 Mauro Pratesi